
Form 1099-MISC vs. Form 1099-K: What’s the Difference?

At the beginning of every tax season, you receive informational tax forms in the mail from your places of employment, financial institutions and all other organizations you did business with throughout the year that the Internal Revenue Service wants t…

Mid-Year Review for Tax Saavy Business Owners

Now is the perfect time to perform a mid-year review of your business activity, including your tax liability. Staying on top of these five things throughout the year will help you save time, money and make tax time much smoother!

Are You a Freelancer? Get a Handle on Your Taxes

Freelancing brings a lot of great benefits to the table. You get to control your own schedule. You can charge what you want for your services. You can work from practically anywhere. Yet, being a freelancer also comes with its own set of challenges. On…

S-Corp vs. C-Corp: What’s Best for Your Business in 2018?

In the wake of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, business owners nationwide are looking closely at whether incorporating as an S corporation or a C corporation will offer a greater reduction in their tax burdens over the long haul.  While C corporations …

Top Tax Deductions for Freelance Tutors

Freelance tutoring is a great way to earn some extra cash. Sometimes it can even turn into your full-time income stream. But being a freelancer means you are an independent contractor, not an employee of a company. In this case, the Internal Revenue Se…