Tax Return

The Medical Expense Deduction After Tax Reform

The medical expense deduction didn’t escape the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Read on to understand the adjustments made to that common tax deduction.

The medical expense deduction “floor” changed for 2018
After Pr…

Lottery Tax Calculator: How Your Winnings Are Taxed

No doubt about it, winning the lottery dramatically changes a person’s life. A financial windfall of that magnitude quickly grants you a level of financial freedom you probably have trouble imagining.

But becoming a Meg…

Avoid Charitable Scams After Natural Disasters

Hurricanes, earthquakes, mudslides, tornadoes, floods, forest fires, and other natural disasters wreak havoc on a large scale. Homes and possessions might be damaged or lost. It’s a tragedy when people are injured or killed.
At such times, genero…

Reduce Your Taxable Income With a 401(k)

With tax season coming soon, you may wonder how you can reduce your taxable income. One smart place to start looking is your 401(k) plan.

The 401(k) plan was passed by Congress in 1986 to help employees save money for retirem…

Pro Tips for Separating Business and Personal Finances

One of the most stressful parts about being a business owner is figuring out how to financially separate your real life and your professional life. As a full-time writer and speaker, I initially struggled to figure out how to draw down a salary and rei…

How Tax Reform Changed Deducting Unreimbursed Job Expenses

If you typically deduct unreimbursed job expenses as an employee, get prepared for a change this tax season. All unreimbursed job expenses for traditional employees are no longer tax deductible. Here’s a breakdown of how that tax reform chan…