
Form 1099-MISC vs. Form 1099-K: What’s the Difference?

At the beginning of every tax season, you receive informational tax forms in the mail from your places of employment, financial institutions and all other organizations you did business with throughout the year that the Internal Revenue Service wants t…

How to Calculate My Net Worth

Net worth is a technical term for performing a simple calculation: (Assets) – (Liabilities) = net worth.
Assets refer to everything from your cash in savings and checking accounts to equity in your home to investments and retirement accounts to e…

Take Control of Your Financial Future with BluPrint

When it comes to your money, there’s no better feeling than knowing you have a plan for how to use it.But when it comes to putting a plan together, it’s hard to know where to start. What part of your financial picture should you prioritize? Debt repaym…

How to Better Organize your Finances as a Freelancer

Freelancing is growing in popularity, largely in part to the amount of freedom it offers. As a freelancer, you have the flexibility to pick and choose which projects to work on, when to work, what to charge, and of course, the convenience of working fr…