IRS Waives Late Tax Payment Penalties

The IRS recently announced tax penalty relief for taxpayers who didn’t pay enough of their 2018 federal income tax liability last year due to the changes in tax reform.

Penalty Relief Explained
Federal income tax wo…

Calls From the IRS: Do They Happen?

“Hello, Mr. Brown? This is Maria Santos from the IRS,” barked the authoritative voice on the phone. “It’s important that I speak with you about your 2018 income tax return right now. I need some personal information from you.&rd…

The Medical Expense Deduction After Tax Reform

The medical expense deduction didn’t escape the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Read on to understand the adjustments made to that common tax deduction.

The medical expense deduction “floor” changed for 2018
After Pr…

Tax Relief Extended to Victims of Hurricane Florence

The IRS is offering victims of Hurricane Florence tax relief. If you are located in an area designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency as qualifying for individual assistance, you now have until Jan. 31, 2019 to file certain individual and b…

What Families Need to Know About Tax Reform

Tax reform impacts the tax outcome for many Americans – including families. Fortunately, however, many of the changes can potentially boost the tax savings for busy moms and dads.
Learn how the new laws could impact your tax situation if you&rsqu…

A New Tax Law Means It’s Time to Review Your Withholdings

One thing we know about the most significant tax changes in decades: it will affect your tax return. While other tax code changes throughout the years may have tweaked obscure credits and rules, the tax reform signed into law in December 2017 made chan…

8 Key Highlights of the New Form 1040 Draft

At the end of June, the IRS released an early draft of the newly revised Form 1040. If you’re not familiar with that term, Form 1040 is the standard tax form individuals use to file their income tax returns. For instance, if you itemized your ded…