tax filing

Cows, farming, and taxes: What you need to know.

Starting a farm? Already keeping a legacy alive? Then you know tax laws for farms are more complex than any new-fangled tractor engine. Even seemingly simple write-offs — like livestock — can operate differently on your return.
Luckily, We’ve got the d…

Got a Big Tax Bill? Don’t Avoid Filing

There may be some areas of life in which you can avoid a problem, and it gets better or goes away.
Unfortunately, owing a big tax bill to the IRS is not one of them. In fact, the more you ignore your taxes, the worse they get.

8 Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make This Tax Season

Tax season is here. In fact, we’re already halfway to the deadline!
If you haven’t filed your tax return yet, don’t fret. TaxAct is ready to make your tax preparation process as simple as possible. In fact, by using tax software, you&…

IRS Waives Late Tax Payment Penalties

The IRS recently announced tax penalty relief for taxpayers who didn’t pay enough of their 2018 federal income tax liability last year due to the changes in tax reform.

Penalty Relief Explained
Federal income tax wo…

5 Ways to Quickly Earn an Extra $100

Side hustles are a smart way to bring in extra money and protect your financial life with multiple income streams. But it can take time and even cost money to build up a consistent side hustle. For instance, you may need to buy a domain name for a webs…

Hurricane Michael Victims Receive Tax Relief

In response to the recent devastation from Hurricane Michael, the IRS extended tax relief to victims of the disaster. The relief extends to all individuals who live in any major disaster declaration area designated by the Federal Emergency Agency. That…

Lottery Tax Calculator: How Your Winnings Are Taxed

No doubt about it, winning the lottery dramatically changes a person’s life. A financial windfall of that magnitude quickly grants you a level of financial freedom you probably have trouble imagining.

But becoming a Meg…

Pro Tips for Separating Business and Personal Finances

One of the most stressful parts about being a business owner is figuring out how to financially separate your real life and your professional life. As a full-time writer and speaker, I initially struggled to figure out how to draw down a salary and rei…

A New Tax Law Means It’s Time to Review Your Withholdings

One thing we know about the most significant tax changes in decades: it will affect your tax return. While other tax code changes throughout the years may have tweaked obscure credits and rules, the tax reform signed into law in December 2017 made chan…