Tax Reform

Lottery Tax Calculator: How Your Winnings Are Taxed

No doubt about it, winning the lottery dramatically changes a person’s life. A financial windfall of that magnitude quickly grants you a level of financial freedom you probably have trouble imagining.

But becoming a Meg…

Avoid Charitable Scams After Natural Disasters

Hurricanes, earthquakes, mudslides, tornadoes, floods, forest fires, and other natural disasters wreak havoc on a large scale. Homes and possessions might be damaged or lost. It’s a tragedy when people are injured or killed.
At such times, genero…

How Tax Reform Changed Deducting Unreimbursed Job Expenses

If you typically deduct unreimbursed job expenses as an employee, get prepared for a change this tax season. All unreimbursed job expenses for traditional employees are no longer tax deductible. Here’s a breakdown of how that tax reform chan…

What Families Need to Know About Tax Reform

Tax reform impacts the tax outcome for many Americans – including families. Fortunately, however, many of the changes can potentially boost the tax savings for busy moms and dads.
Learn how the new laws could impact your tax situation if you&rsqu…

A New Tax Law Means It’s Time to Review Your Withholdings

One thing we know about the most significant tax changes in decades: it will affect your tax return. While other tax code changes throughout the years may have tweaked obscure credits and rules, the tax reform signed into law in December 2017 made chan…

Tax Year 2018: The Last Year of the Obamacare Tax Penalty

One of the less talked about changes within tax reform is the end of the so-called Obamacare tax penalty. When President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into action, the bill repealed the Affordable Care Act’s penalty by zeroing out the fi…