tax preparation

Distribution from an Inherited IRA Is Taxable

There is confusion about the tax treatment of inherited IRAs. It is true that the inheritance of an IRA is not a taxable event, regardless of the size of the account. An inheritable is tax free. But if the account is a traditional IRA funded by tax-de…

Sale of Life Insurance Policies

If you own a life insurance policy and sell it, you may realize gain on the transaction. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) changed the rules for determining basis used in measuring gain from such a sale. It is no longer necessary to reduce basis by the…

IRS Focuses on Nonfilers

The IRS has announced a variety of measures designed to bring taxpayers required to file returns but who failed to do so into compliance (Fact Sheet 2020-02). The Service’s efforts promote voluntary compliance by leveraging its processes and systems, …

Final Regulations on Opportunity Zones

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 created a new type of investment offering special tax breaks. Various locations around the country have been designated as Opportunity Zones (OZs), allowing for these investments. Now the IRS has finalized regulations…

5 Affordable ways to Spend Spring Break

Spring break and tax refunds are the original dream team. Whether you’re getting a breather from classes or organizing time as a family, that tax refund cushion can go a long way. Remember, you don’t have to rack up South Beach-levels of debt to have a…

HSA vs. FSA: How Does Your Health Plan Affect Your Taxes?

“Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” – Benjamin Franklin, 1789
But was this illustrious founding father the first to intr…

Paying Off Credit Card Debt: 3 Strategies that Actually Work

Search Google for “how to pay off credit card debt” will undoubtedly return a slew of results promising a “big secret” to pay off your credit cards and other debts. Not only pay them off, but pay them off quickly.
There’s no hidden magic involved …