tax preparation

Tax Deductions for Uber and Lyft Drivers

Uber, Lyft, and other rideshare drivers spend their days driving strangers from Point A to Point B. Just like any other business, Uber and Lyft drivers get to claim their mileage, gas, and other day-to-day expenses as business write-offs. Unlike regul…

Baby Boomers and Taxes: Where Do Their Refunds Go?  

Millennials versus baby boomers (and vice versa): It seems like a feud of stereotypes destined to live in infamy for ages. Many of the classics — pervading opinions like “Millennials are entitled and lazy” and “Boomers won’t ever catch up with modern t…

5 ways millennials are spending their tax refunds

Notice a smaller refund last year? You’re not alone. The average tax refund dropped by about 2%, according to the IRS. The upside? More people got them. About 95.7 million refunds were issued, a small increase from the 95.4 million …

Organize your way to tax day: 5 steps for success

Whether you file early or wait until the deadline, there are simple things you can do today to help you cruise through tax season. Use these five tips to get organized, address little things early, and clear away filing obstacles. That way, when you si…

Demystifying the Deduction: Standard vs. Itemized

The benefits of itemized and standard deductions shifted during the 2019 tax reform, leaving most filers with even more questions. In order to file your return with confidence, it’s important to stay informed.  

The standard deductio…

Earned income vs. Adjusted gross income

Gross income. Adjusted gross income. Earned income. Net income. Taxable income.
When you’re trying to do your taxes, they all sound the same. And like all things in the world of taxes, it’s the small differences between them that power your return.

Earned income vs. Adjusted gross income

Gross income. Adjusted gross income. Earned income. Net income. Taxable income.
When you’re trying to do your taxes, they all sound the same. And like all things in the world of taxes, it’s the small differences between them that power your return.

Earned income vs. Adjusted gross income

Gross income. Adjusted gross income. Earned income. Net income. Taxable income.
When you’re trying to do your taxes, they all sound the same. And like all things in the world of taxes, it’s the small differences between them that power your return.